Then, there’s a feeling of Samhain in the air when the air turns crisp and the nights become longer deep in our souls, and we feel the mere pull of Samhain. It turns the wheel into the dark half of the year and this sacred time from October 31st to November 1st. Samhain (pronounced “Sah-win”), however, is a historical Celtic holiday as the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, but its spiritual implications are much more extensive — particularly in the world of things between worlds.
For those of us journeying a spiritual path, Samhain is a time for reflection, connection, and honoring those who have died or dimmed away to make way for new birth, whether ancestors, friends, or the part of ourselves that must die to make way for new birth. It’s also the ideal time for linking up with the spiritual realm and working on doing things that acknowledge the thinning veil between the living and the dead.
Hallowing Meditation is one such practice that helps us spiritually ‘hallow’ our inner space to connect with the wisdom and energy of the other side. If you listen to its essence, you can establish this as a personal and sacred space to commune with the spirits and invite their guidance, protection, and insight. In this post, we’ll explore what Allowing Meditation is, what you can do to integrate it with the spirit of Samhain, and how you can use it to enhance your connection with the unseen world.
Understanding Hallowing Meditation: A Sacred Practice
“Hallowing” is the old English word (from the word halgian meaning to make holy or sacred). To ‘hallow’ meant consecrating or setting apart something as sacred. Hallowing meditation is not about quieting the mind. It’s about the spiritual preparation of your space, physically and energetically, so it can become sacred. As you create, you’re a temple of yourself… for deep spiritual connection.
Hallowing Meditation is more than relaxing. It involves sanctifying your body, mind, and spirit in the presence of something larger, something greater than all of that. It is. It is an inner calling to be an active, conscious effort to create a sacred space in phenomenal and non-phenomenal ways. You are building a vessel that will receive the subtle energy that you will fill with during the meditation. It has to do with becoming a clean, clear channel for spiritual messages, purging your energy, and opening the doors of your intuition.
The Samhain Spirit Connection: Honoring the Thin Veil
Samhain is believed to be a time when we can more easily have meaning with the messages from the spirit world—through thinning the veil between the physical and spirit worlds. This time is a bridge to the unseen when the spiritual is merely a breath away, recognised by the Celts, the Wiccans and other more recent pagans.
It’s also about honoring the cycles of life and death, and Samhain is just one way to do that. It’s not about remembering our loved ones, but realising pieces of ourselves left behind (maybe old habits, old identities we are leaving behind), knowing that those things are no longer serving us. Hallowing Meditation is a powerful tool because it is here. This intentional practice allows us to open up to a more profound spiritual relationship with ourselves, our journey, and the more sanguine collective spirit that infuses all of our history.
Creating Your Sacred Space: Preparing for Hallowing Meditation
Before we get started in Hallowing Meditation, we’d like to set you up with a sacred space. This is where your practice of December 1st (or Samhain, however, you’re going to call it) starts. Here’s how you can prepare:
Set the Mood:
- Light candles: A candle symbolises light that leads to darkness. For Samhain, the void and transformation are represented by black candles, and purple and orange will work well for spiritual protection and connection.
- Sacred objects: Maybe you’d like objects that connect you to Samhain, like a skull symbol (death), things from the autumn, like pumpkins or leaves, or symbols of protection, like crystals or salt.
- Incense or essential oils: Sandalwood, frankincense or patchouli scents help purify the air, making it sacred for spiritual practice.
2. Create a Comfortable Space:
- Any meditation needs to be physically comfortable. Ensure you’re sitting correctly on a cushion or lying in a chair. The idea is to create a space to relax while staying present and fully aware.
3. Setting an Intention:
- Reflection: Think of what you want to link up during this meditation: the wisdom of your ancestors, the guidance of the other side, or a time just that’s a moment to reflect on the passage year. Your intention is the gateway into your connection, so approach it with mindfulness and respect.
Step-by-Step Guide to Hallowing Meditation for Samhain Spirit Connection
1. Grounding and Centering
Start by taking a few deep, slow breaths. Let your inhale energies you, and your exhale releases tension or distraction. When you breathe, picture yourself attached to Mother Earth. Contemplate your feet as roots, extending deep roots into the soil from the soles of your feet, grounding the Energy Ground of the Planet.
This grounding step will help you prepare to open yourself to the spiritual world to remain centered and balanced.
2. Visualising the Sacred Circle
Imagine a ring of light surrounding you. This is your sacred space. The only thing that can come here is pure energy and spirit. Let it coat you softly, glowing in your presence, protecting you from the influence or distraction of anything to the contrary. In this circle, there is no ‘there’ but only ‘here’ and communion and connexion with the unseen.
Imagine forming the circle meaningfully so that as you do, it becomes more and more powerful, like a stone circle or a ring of candles. This is your hallowed ground, where spiritual and physical meet.
3. Invoking the Spirits of Samhain
Begin now to signal the spirits of Samhain. This can be your ancestors, loved ones who have passed or your spiritual guides. You might speak aloud or silently in your mind:
“I call upon the spirits of my Ancestors, those who wandered before me. I honor your wisdom, your journey, and your light. Guide me through this sacred place I as seek connexion and understanding.”
You feel the presence of these spirits around you and let whatever emotions or sensations come up naturally. There is no need to coerce or manipulate this; just be present with what happens.
4. Hallowing the Energy Within
Turn inwards as you become aware of the spirits. Keep your energy field vibrating with a bright golden light around your body and bring your focus to it. Imagine this light expanding until it encompasses your entire being, cleaning and purifying you from the inside out. This is your moment to ‘hallow’—make yourself sacred, open, and receptive to receiving the spiritual messages you seek.
Call to the spirits’ wisdom to inflow your periodisation through images, symbols, emotion, or insight. Trust what is because this is part of the more profound process of connection that is blooming.
5. Integration and Gratitude
When the meditation is closing down, breathe a bit longer and let any messages, feelings, or sensations that came to you come to mind. I honor the spirits for their guidance and ask the spirits to thank them for their wisdom and ask them to thank you for theirs.
Then, when you’re ready, slowly begin to retrace your steps so that you are once more in your physical body from the space you’ve taken up. Remind yourself it’s okay to feel your roots in the Earth, to reconnect to the now.
After the Meditation: Honoring the Spirit of Samhain
After the meditation, reflect on and write about the experience in a journal. Did they send you a message from the other side? Were you able to connect with your ancestors and deepen your spiritual path?
Whatever that offering of gratitude may look like, perhaps it’s as simple as lighting a candle, placing a flower on your altar, or donating to a cause in honor of loved ones…
A Final Reflection: Embracing the Power of Samhain
It isn’t a coincidence that the Celts stoked their bonfires; this is a powerful time of spiritual reflection and connection, built around an awareness of the natural world. In Hallowing Meditation, you can honor your loved ones who have passed on and create a more sacred, spiritual relationship with yourself than ever. When you make a holy place within yourself, you offer that space for the spirits to enter, guide you, and help.
Samhain is a time of spiritual communion, healing, and transformation. Invite this sacred time with open arms and an open heart.